Homemade Garlic Mustard Pesto #survivinglockdown

When garlic mustard arrives, it brightens country lanes and wasteland with its bright green slightly heart shaped, serrated leaves and clusters of tiny white flowers on tall straight stems. It’s commonly known as Jack-by-the-Hedge and is easily recognised by the smell of garlic when you crush a leaf. Although the hedgerows were full of garlic mustard back in April, it has taken me until now to attempt to create a pesto recipe with the leaves of the plant – the bundle used for this was foraged by the Littlest and me from the hedgerows around us.

Ingredients: a few large handfuls of garlic mustard leaves, Parmesan cheese (to taste), a minced clove of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, a handful of hazelnuts


  1. Wash the leaves in water; put in a colander and shake well. Put into a mixer and blitz.

2. Add the Parmesan cheese and minced garlic. Blitz.

3. Gradually add the olive oil until you get a smooth thickish paste.

4. Add the hazelnuts and blitz again.

5. Put into sterilised jars and keep in the fridge.

6. Mix with pasta for a quick, easy and yummy lockdown meal!

Author: Mother of the Tribe

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